Whether you’re experiencing hemorrhoids for the first time or you’ve been dealing with them for years, now is the time to get treatment for your mild hemorrhoid pain. It’s true that natural remedies and over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments can provide temporary relief from symptoms, giving the impression that hemorrhoids are gone for good. However, mild hemorrhoids typically come back, prompting yet another trip to the drug store for hemorrhoid ointment or some other form of temporary treatment. Hemorrhoid banding solutions like the CRH O’Regan System were designed to stop this vicious cycle and get rid of mild hemorrhoids for good.
Non-surgical and completely pain-free banding treatments like the CRH O’Regan System require just a few visits to the doctor’s office (depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids) and have a recovery time of less than a day. It’s also important to remember that the longer you wait to see a doctor about your mild hemorrhoids, the greater the chances are that your mild case of hemorrhoids will turn into something more serious.
For those with mild hemorrhoids, the first step is to find a doctor and schedule a consultation. The CRH O’Regan partner doctors are experienced, knowledgeable, and can help get rid of your hemorrhoids once and for all.