Studies show that most women will deal with hemorrhoids at least one time in their life. Though some cases are mild and might even go unnoticed, other women will encounter moderate or severe symptoms from hemorrhoids that will eventually need to be treated. While over-the-counter treatments will relieve symptoms temporarily, procedures like the CRH O’Regan System are designed to get rid of hemorrhoids for good. So whether you’re just beginning to notice hemorrhoid discomfort or you’ve been dealing with them for years, it’s important to know why hemorrhoids in women happen and how they can be treated.
Perhaps the most commonly suggested cause of hemorrhoids in women is pregnancy. As the uterus grows throughout pregnancy, the pressure to the rectum’s blood vessels increases. Pressure on blood vessels in the rectal region can lead to swelling of the veins. When the veins in the rectum swell, hemorrhoids begin to form. Pregnancy can also cause a woman’s bowel functions to be somewhat abnormal. The increase in progesterone during pregnancy can lead to swollen blood vessels and is also the reason so many pregnant women experience constipation. Straining due to constipation puts immense pressure on the rectal veins, causing hemorrhoids to form and/or become worse.
Hemorrhoids in women who are pregnant can be treated by many of the same at-home remedies everyone with hemorrhoids uses. Sitz baths, for example, are a great way for pregnant women to get relief from hemorrhoid symptoms. Either fill up the tub with a few inches of water or get a plastic sitz that fits over the toilet at your local drugstore and add warm water. Add a tablespoon of salt to the water and sit for 15 minutes a few times a day. Pregnant women can also use certain topical creams to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids, but remember to talk to your doctor before using anything new on your skin.
To help treat and prevent hemorrhoids, it’s also important to drink plenty of water and get enough fiber on a daily basis. You’d be surprised how much your hemorrhoid symptoms can subside simply by increasing the amount of high-fiber foods you consume each day. In many cases however, diet is not enough, and a treatment to remove the affected tissue is required.
To learn how the CRH O’Regan System can help get rid of hemorrhoids for good, or for more information about temporary treatments for hemorrhoids in pregnant women, contact one of the knowledgeable, qualified CRH O’Regan partner physicians today.