Hemorrhoids are cushions of swollen tissue and blood vessels in your lower rectal region. They manifest in two ways, each with different symptoms : internal hemorrhoids form inside your rectum where there aren’t any pain-sensing nerve endings, so unless you experience rectal bleeding, you may not even be aware of them. External hemorrhoids present as bulges or bumps around the anus and are often the cause of the discomfort people associate with hemorrhoids. It’s possible to have both internal and external hemorrhoids at the same time.
While nearly 75% of all Americans will have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives – 50% will have experience them before they turn 50 – only the most severe cases require surgery to have them removed.
Hemorrhoid surgery may be necessary for internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed (an internal hemorrhoid protruding outside of the anal canal) if this prolapse is significant, such as when the protruding tissue cannot be pushed back in. If your hemorrhoids are painful, bleeding, or long-lasting, or you’re experiencing anal leakage, you should check with your physician to see if you require a hemorrhoidectomy to treat your hemorrhoid symptoms.
Surgery is not the preferred option to treat most hemorrhoids, as patients may experience postoperative pain, bleeding, or incontinence. There are other hemorrhoid treatments, such as rubber band ligation, that offer relief through less-invasive measures.
The CRH O’Regan System is fast and painless, and in most cases provides a permanent solution. The treatment technology involves placing a band around the base of the affected area to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing it to shrink and fall off within a few days. The painless treatment takes thirty seconds to a minute; requires no preparation or surgical sedation NPO orders; and less than 1% of patients experience post-procedure complications. Hemorrhoid surgery is frequently a last resort, but with the CRH O’Regan System, 99% of patients find relief from their hemorrhoid symptoms without surgery.
Hemorrhoids usually don’t go away on their own, and to avoid unnecessary, prolonged discomfort, check with your physician to find the right treatment for your situation.