Half the U.S. population is affected by hemorrhoids by the time they turn 50, and anyone who has experienced the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids once is not eager for the return of the symptoms. Understanding some of the common causes of hemorrhoids is the first step in preventing them from happening to you again.
Hemorrhoids occur when the tissue loosens and begins to fall into the anal canal. Though they can occur for other reasons, in most instances, hemorrhoids are thought to be caused by increased pressure on the rectum.
Controlling your diet is an important first step in preventing recurring hemorrhoids. Increased intake of dietary fiber can help promote healthy and regular bowel movements while reducing constipation and diarrhea, both of which can result in increased pressure in your rectum and lead to hemorrhoids. Ensuring your diet has enough insoluble fiber, typically found in raw vegetables, whole grains, wheat bran and other fruits and legumes, can help prevent hemorrhoids from returning.
Another way to prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids is to reduce excessive weight. Obesity has been shown to be a contributing factor for hemorrhoids, as there is increased pressure placed on the veins of the rectum and anus, leading to swelling and inflammation.
Excessive straining is another commonly considered cause of new or recurring hemorrhoids. Whether you’re lifting incorrectly or too much, or sitting or pushing too long while trying to have a bowel movement, the increased pressure on your rectum and anus can lead to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids rarely go away on their own. If you’re experiencing the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids for the first time, or you’ve undergone various treatments for your hemorrhoids previously, you should consider a rubber band ligation solution, such as the CRH O’Regan System. Fewer than 5% of patients who choose the CRH O’Regan System experience a recurrence of hemorrhoids within two years. Additionally, the CRH O’Regan System is much safer than traditional banding, with a complication rate of less than 1%.
For many people, there are underlying fears that prevent them from seeking treatment for their hemorrhoids: they’re worried that it will take too long, that it will be incredibly painful, there will be too much downtime, or they may just be too embarrassed to speak with their doctor about it. The CRH O’Regan System is a non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment that is fast, painless, and proven effective. There are over 2,000 physicians in the United States trained on this leading-edge treatment, and in some cases, you can have your hemorrhoids treated during your initial appointment.